Training & Workshops
“Challenging Queer Disinformation”

Description: We have all been exposed to examples of disinformation. Today, such news and rhetoric spreads at an alarming rate and has gone largely unchecked. Recently, our LGBTQ2IA+ community and specifically transgender, non-binary, gender diverse folks and their families, friends, loved-ones, and allies are caught in the crosshairs of a resurgence of discrimination fuelled by disinformation.
We all know someone who may find these positions convincing, but what can you do to redirect the conversation? In this workshop, we’ll align on the facts to better equip you with navigating these tough conversations. We’ll talk about the realities of today’s lived-experience for trans and gender diverse people, we’ll define misinformation and disinformation, discuss examples of these positions and provide tools on how to confront and challenge these positions in a respectful and direct manner. Together, we can Challenge Queer Disinformation!
More Information: To ensure this workshop remains accessible for our community and the general public, we are offering this workshop for free to all charities, non-profits, other publicly funded institutions, and all interested groups, organizations, and businesses who operate in York Region. For our corporate partners, we ask that you consider an honourarium to offer.
Connect with our President Tristan Coolman via email for questions or to book your workshop today at
Other LGBTQ2IA + Workshops
In our 30 year history serving York Region Residents we have had the honour to learn alongside all of you. In an effort to improve the lived-experience of LGBTQ2 folks and folks and the experiences of their families, friends and allies we strive to share as many of our learns as possible and encourage you to do the same.
Our Training and Workshops usually take the form of one of two options below. If however you are seeking something specific and customized to the needs of your audience we encourage you to reach out. We have provided custom presentations to organizations like York Region District School Board, Johnson & Johnson, York Regional Police and many more!
We do ask for an honorarium starting at $200 depending on the type of presentation or workshop you are seeking. These donations help us cover the cost of operating our charity and investing in service delivery.
Reach out to for more details.
LGBT 101
This presentation is for audiences seeking a basic understanding of the differences between sexual orientation/identity, gender identity/expression and physical/emotional attraction.
We talk about many identities in detail, provide research and data stats on what today’s LGBTQ2 lived-experience is like offer tips on how to be a better Ally. Q&A Timing is optional.
60 min with Q&A period
Canadian Queer History – How We Got Here
In addition to the topics covered in “LGBT 101” we place today’s lived experience within a historical context and ask “how did we get here?”.
We share an overview of the history of Queer lived-experiences; pre and post colonization of Turtle Island and cover important moments in Canadian Queer History.
We review recent events in Canada to illustrate how responses from today’s community and institutions were shaped by our history.
75 minutes